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Abstract the Shop!

I am strongly influenced by the colors and textures found in nature and I regularly feature flowers in all their glory in my watercolor illustrations and custom work. Lately I have returned to my love of the abstract with this collection of four 8x8 acrylic canvases entitled "Pink Mum #1" meant to be displayed in a group!  ab·stract art noun art that does not attempt to represent external reality, but seeks to achieve its effect using shapes, forms, colors, and textures. Rich with texture, brushwork and movement, each of these abstract pieces flows into the next..... I mix my own pure pigment, artist grade acrylics so white is never white, pink is never pink, and blue is never blue!  This...

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Thanksgiving style......

I keep things very simple when it comes to the holidays..... This year it's all about the rose.... Roses everywhere! What's your Thanksgiving style? I'd love to know!

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Getting Quilty....

I always like to offer handmade gifts for the Holiday Season...last year I made colorful "Artist Chic" beaded bracelets and this year I am working on beautiful little 8x8 canvas quilt blocks which combine my love for painting with my love for vintage quilts! I used to have a lot more time to sew but lately I've discovered a satisfying alternative using beautiful papers and canvases instead of fabric. Here's how I do it! First, using acrylic paints, apply heavy layers of white and a complimentary color to your pre-primed canvas. I chose an 8x8 square which completes a perfect "Grandmother's Flower Garland" quilt square. Use choppy brushstrokes in alternate directions to create a textured effect. Collect assorted papers choosing a...

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Vogue covers.....

One of my favorite creative exercises is illustrating magazine covers......... The combination of graphics, color and fashion is an irresistible draw for me! I loved the book "The Girl on the Train" and can't wait to see Emily Blunt in the movie! 

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